
Math 7 Syllabus for Ms. Meek, 2017-2018 

Leaving Math Frustration at the Door!!!

As a teacher, I am focused on helping students understand their strengths and how those strengths can help them learn  best.  Having lived and worked in different countries I am no stranger to challenges and the frustration that students experience learning difficult information.  I pledge that I will teach students not only the math curriculum which is set by the state but also various strategies to help them to learn most effectively. 

Student Expectations

  • Be respectful not only of the teacher but also peers.
  • Follow instructions when first given. 
  • S.L.A.N.T (Sit up, Listen, Ask questions, Nod your head, Track the teacher)
  • Be in assigned seat at the beginning of class.
  • Bring notebooks to class EVERYDAY and use them appropriately.
  • High Five
  • Use of the Great Mathematician Pencil for the week
  • Verbal and Written acknowledgement of a JOB WELL DONE!
  • Tiger Bucks
  • Sticks
  • Good phone call home
  • Math Mathematician Award

  • Warning
  • Lunch Detention
  • Phone call home
  • Student-Teacher conference
  • After-school detention
  • Office Referral
Some offenses are more severe than others and for more severe offenses (such as fighting and bullying) some consequences will be skipped to fit the infraction.

This year we are going to create interactive notebooks which will help students to be more engaged in lessons and be more hands on in their learning experience. The following should be brought to class EACH DAY:
  • 1 Composition notebook
  • Pencil
  • Highlighter
  • Colored Pencils
  • Calculator
Homework Policy
Homework will be used as a reinforcement, enrichment and at times to assess what is being learned in class.  It will be assigned Monday-Thursday.  Completed homework assignments will be due at the beginning of the next class period.  No homework will be accepted after the snapshot has been distributed.  I do not plan on assigning homework on Fridays.  Students who have been absent might have to complete missed work over the weekend.

Grading Policy
The grading policy has been standardized for all 7th grade content classes.  There will be no zeros given on any assignments.  The lowest grade a student will receive is a 50%.  As educators we are trying to make students successful citizens within society by changing our grading policy it allows students who might have had difficulty on an assignment a chance to make strides to obtaining a higher grade.
  • Homework       (10%)
  • Classwork        (30%) 
  • Tests/ Projects  (35%)
  • Quizzes             (25%)
Contact Information
Please feel free to contact me using the information below.
3400 Patterson Avenue
Richmond, VA 23221

I am located in room 214.  My email address is

I look forward to working with my students and their families to ensure that we have a successful, meaningful and fruitful learning experience. 

Math can be thought of as a maze, but we can work together to uncover its answers. 

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